Tom Kendall is a permaculture farmer with over 40 years farming experience and a broad acre agriculture background. He is co-founder of the PRI Sunshine Coast Inc and PRI Luganville, Vanuatu and runs PDC courses and Permaculture training on his Permaculture Demonstration Site “Maungaraeeda”. Tom regularly co-teaches Permaculture Design Certificate courses with Geoff Lawton and has taught Permaculture courses in Australia and overseas. He is part of Geoff Lawton’s Permaculture Sustainable Consulting team and does regular consultations for personal land holders as well as not for profit organisations and government departments in Australia and overseas. He has worked and consulted in sub-tropical and tropical climates (pacific and Caribbean islands, north east Australia etc) and dry land climates (Jordan, Western Australia etc). Tom has an amazing ability to read hydration and fertility issues on large scale as well as smaller scale landscapes. With his farming background, Tom is a very hands on and practical man and is solution focused. He has extensive travel experience and integrates easily with local cultures and people as he comes from a humble and honest position. Tom enjoys studying landscapes, buildings and the effects of climate and culture on structures, flora and fauna.
Tom has a talent to identify and repair damaged and eroded landscapes, focusing on soil health and transforming damaged land to highly productive land. He repaired 7000 acres of dry land farm which had been conventionally farmed for many years and which was experiencing loss of top soil and erosion, by converting it to organic / bio-dynamic practices and making it profitable again. He also repaired around 10 acres of degraded, low fertility, sub tropical ex-banana farm land, which is now a lush, flourishing Permaculture Demonstration and Education site.